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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Return which functions a user can access

SELECT fu.user_name,




FROM fnd_user                   fu,

     fnd_user_resp_groups       furg,

     fnd_responsibility         fr,

     fnd_compiled_menu_functions fcmf,

     fnd_form_functions         fff,

     fnd_responsibility_tl      frtl,

     fnd_form_functions_tl      ffl

WHERE     furg.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id

     AND furg.responsibility_application_id = fr.application_id

     AND fr.menu_id = fcmf.menu_id

     AND fcmf.grant_flag = 'Y'

     AND fcmf.function_id = fff.function_id

     AND furg.user_id = fu.user_id

     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN fu.start_date AND NVL (fu.end_date, SYSDATE + 1)

     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN fr.start_date AND NVL (fr.end_date, SYSDATE + 1)

     AND furg.responsibility_id = frtl.responsibility_id

     AND fr.responsibility_id = frtl.responsibility_id

     AND frtl.language = 'US'

     AND ffl.language = 'US'

     AND fff.function_id = ffl.function_id

     AND (furg.end_date > SYSDATE OR furg.end_date IS NULL)

     AND fu.user_name = 'USERNAME_TO_BE_CHECKED'

     AND frtl.responsibility_name = 'CURRENT_RESPONSIBILITY'

     AND fff.function_name NOT IN

        (SELECT ff.function_name


                  fnd_responsibility   r,

            fnd_user_resp_groups rg,

            fnd_user             u,

            fnd_resp_functions   rf,

            fnd_form_functions   ff,

            fnd_responsibility_tl frtl

          WHERE     rg.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id

            AND u.user_id = rg.user_id

            AND rf.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id

            AND rf.rule_type = 'F'

            AND ff.function_id = rf.action_id

            AND frtl.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id

            AND frtl.responsibility_id = rg.responsibility_id

            AND frtl.language = 'US'

            AND u.user_name = UPPER ('USERNAME_TO_BE_CHECKED')

            AND frtl.responsibility_name = 'CURRENT_RESPONSIBILITY'


     AND fff.function_name NOT IN

            (SELECT function_name


          (SELECT function_name

             FROM fnd_form_functions f

            WHERE f.function_id = me.function_id

                   ) function_name

                   , menu_id

          FROM fnd_menu_entries me

          START WITH me.menu_id IN

            (SELECT rf.action_id

               FROM fnd_responsibility   r,

                    fnd_user_resp_groups rg,

                    fnd_user             u,

                    fnd_resp_functions   rf,

                    fnd_responsibility_tl frtl

              WHERE     rg.responsibility_id =  r.responsibility_id

                    AND u.user_id = rg.user_id

                    AND rf.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id

                    AND rf.rule_type = 'M'

                    AND frtl.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id

                    AND frtl.responsibility_id = rf.responsibility_id

                    AND u.user_name = UPPER ( 'USERNAME_TO_BE_CHECKED')

                    AND frtl.responsibility_name = 'CURRENT_RESPONSIBILITY')

          CONNECT BY me.menu_id = PRIOR me.sub_menu_id)

         WHERE function_name IS NOT NULL


ORDER BY 1, 2, 3


1 comment:

Raju Chinthapatla said...

If you are facing any issues while copying the Code/Script or any issues with Posts, Please send a mail to or message me at @apps88 ( in telegram.

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